A Smile Costs Nothing
It costs nothing to share a smile and it can truly uplift the workplace… so on International Day of Happiness 2019 why not follow the timeless words of Spike Milligan and see what a difference it makes to how you and your colleagues feel… then grow the smiling habit and try it every day… make it a part of your personal brand today!
Smiling is infectious
You catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too
I walked around the corner
And someone saw me grin
When he smiled I realised
I had passed it on to him
I thought about the smile
And then realised its worth
A single smile like mine
Could travel round the earth
So if you feel a smile begin
Don’t leave it undetected
Start an epidemic
And get the world infected.
Spike Milligan
Some Concluding Thoughts
Visual imagery is a very powerful medium commercially; think of successful brands, think of the imagery they use, and you will recall the stories being told that may have enticed a purchase.
Alternatively, those of you who will remember the golden age of vinyl records. How many times would you sit with the album cover looking at the images whilst listening to the music? I bet that the experience was not just about the music!
As a business, are you using standard stock images to tell the story of your brand or are you using your own bespoke photography? How would that help?
Storying telling is compelling. For some it is talking about experiences or writing words, my passion is using a lexicon of imagery within photographic visualisations.
Author: Sue Barnes, 20th March 2019